Redesign and Feature Enhancement for is India’s leading online shop for automotive repair and services. They approached us with the mission to redesign the old-fashioned website and achieve new functionality and performance. The primary objective of the project was to improve the user experience and incorporate new features into the platform. This case study describes the challenges in developing and the proposed solutions to overcome the challenges to achieve redesign goals.


Key Challanges

Key Challengs1Outdated design
the design did not attract the user and did not encourage the generation of new customers.
Key Challengs2Limited functionality
users complained of the service booking system’s delicacy, furthermore, there were no user feedbacks and lack of mobile friendliness.
Key Challengs3Difficulty in navigation
users found it hard to navigate and find their preferred services. The project includes redesigning the website and adding new functionality to achieve redesign goals.
Key Challengs4Slow loading times
the long period taken to load a website made users bounce-off, reducing customer satisfaction.

Project Scope and Objectives

The project’s objectives included the following:

  • A modern website with a redesigned look and feel
  • Functional approach with new essential features.
  • Improved website loading times and performance.
  • Easy navigation for users to search and book for services.

Approach to Achieving Redesign Goals

The project implemented the following steps to achieve project objectives:

Redesign strategy:

a new design concept was created to give the site a new look and feel.

Feature Enhancements:

the redesign website added the following: Several categories service booking system with descriptions.

  • Improved design
  • User reviews and ratings
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Improved search
  • Performance Optimization
  • Simplification of navigation Implementation and Outcomes
  • Increased user engagement
  • Service booking improvement
  • A decreased bounce rate
  • Positive user feedback on reviews and ratings


With the need for improved competitiveness following the high competition in the automotive industry in India, this website has demonstrated the importance of ensuring a modern and user-friendly website design. Implementing the strategies above ensures a better website experience that attracts more customers, improving the company’s competitiveness. This website has managed to secure more customers and increase its business following the redesigning of the positive impact on the business, and this provides a good example of the outcomes of the improved website.